As my son so sadly said ... "Mom, Spring is never gonna come."
Doesn't seem so.
But, according to Al Gore, us skeptics are akin to flat-earthers. Via Hot Air.
Flat-earth not-with-standing, I present to you my NEW GOURMET BIRD STATION:
(click for larger)
Note the lack of birds. It wasn't simply that I was out on the porch taking a picture. A single bird hasn't yet visited my NEW GOURMET BIRD STATION. Stupid birds prefer to forage here:
So my NEW GOURMET BIRD STATION has been out there a week, and still no bird. We could make this a guessing game as to when the first bird visits.
Which do you think comes first, Spring or a bird?
In The Mailbox: 03.12.25 (Afternoon Edition)
3 hours ago