Quick recap, because I'm busy, and this time change has really messed up my internal clock, and I feel like the White Rabbit (I'm late, I'm late) so little editing, but I think I've captured my feelings. I didn't list them, in the groupings, in any particular order.
Chikezie: Awesome. What he did with "She's a Woman" was interesting and entertaining, and his vocals were on spot as well. I think he was the best of the night.
Carly Smithson: Outstanding as well with "Come Together", but she loses points because she, as she said, performed this song every week where she used to work. Also, I wonder if she has any other moods in her voice besides "Full-tilt" belt it out?
Amanda Overmyer: I thought Simon was wrong - this week was better, and more authentic, than last week's, which I found a tad forced. "You Can't Do That" fit her voice perfectly.
Michael Johns: I did NOT find his version of Across the Universe boring, as some of the judges did. It is a simple song that require thoughtful, honest vocals, which I thought he brought.
David Cook: Another GREAT performance. Eleanor Rigby as modern rock. Loved it.
Jason Castro: Sang If I Fell, and was alright. Not as good as last week. It would be nice to see a bit more energy.
Brooke White: Let it Be- it was good and all, but personally I'm not that excited by her. I guess my problem is she just seems to be such a conglomeration of past female singer/songwriters types (and she's using THEIR material) that I don't really see what she brings to the table.
Ramiele Malubay: I love her voice, and really want her to perform something interesting. But she didn't . Boring version of In My Life.
Bottom of the barrel:
Syesha Mercado: She hasn't wowed me yet. If it weren't for her short-shorts and pretty face, I don't think she'd be here at this point. Her version of Got to Get You Into My Life was uninspired and boring. I fast-forwarded.
David Hernandez: No no no! I Saw Her Standing There in gay-camp style. Oye.
David Archuleta: Forgot the lyrics? To We Can Work it Out? Oh lord.
Kristy Lee Cook: I thought it was just me, at first, because I don't like Country. But, nope, I was right, her country-version of Eight Days a Week was really, really irritating. And, honey, don't protest that "you really liked it", because you're just revealing to everyone that perhaps you have no ear for good music.
In The Mailbox: 03.12.25 (Afternoon Edition)
7 hours ago