Thursday, May 29, 2008

Music, again

Michele is blogging again. I know, who knew? Anyway, she's got one of those music meme's going. Ok, here's the deal:

1. choose 19 of the songs you like best, regardless of artist or genre.
2. put them all together in a CD.
3. make 5 other copies.
4. post your playlist on your blog.
5. choose 5 people and send them a copy of your CD each. send the first copy you made to the one who tagged you.

I wasn't tagged, so I don't get copies of any cool music or however this works. But I still thought it was kind of fun. So ... let open iTunes and find my 19 songs. I can't say they are my FAVORITE songs, just ones that are currently tickling my fancy.

1. Is Anybody Home - Our Lady Peace
2. Blue - A perfect Circle
3. Subterranean Homesick Alien- Radiohead
4. The Bends- Radiohead
5. Troy - Sinead O'Conner
6. Rinocerous - Smashing Pumkins
7. Small Blue Thing - Suzanne Vega
8. Pale Shelter - Tears for Fears
9. Uncertain Smile - The The
10. I Scare Myself - Thomas Dolby
11. Pushit -Tool
12. Third Eye- Tool [ I've got this Tool thing going - and NO it doesn't all sound the same as my kids think. Philistines.]
13. Slow Hands - Interpol
14. Obstacle 1 - Interpol
15 . I Never Came - QOTSA
16. Song for the Deaf- QOTSA[Michele pretty much has the QOTSA covered on her list, so I didn't want to go too crazy on that.]
17. A Wolf at the Door - Radiohead

Ok, so who wants a CD? Don't all ask at once. Form a nice, neat line.

But, on the OFF chance anyone wants a CD of my songs, you'll owe me one back.