Monday, November 17, 2008

The Hope and Change of the Obama Cabinet

Truth be told, I'm beginning to thing that "change" doesn't mean what we thought it would mean. First we've got the name Hllary Clinton floated around as AG. Then we find Obama is hiring lobbyist left and right as part of his transistion team.

But, Obama's choice for White House Counsel certainly is a change. Who's familiar with the name Gregory Craig? Well, he defended Clinton during the impeachment, but he's got more experience than that:

Elian Gonzalez’s father - Craig represented the father who demanded the return of his son after his estranged wife died trying to take Elian to freedom. Most people saw this as a thinly-veiled publicity stunt from Fidel Castro, attempting to embarrass the US. The dispute got resolved when Janet Reno ordered an armed assault on the house where Elian’s family in the US provided him a home.

John Hinckley, Jr - Craig presented and won the insanity defense that allows Ronald Reagan’s would-be assassin to spend weekends with his family now.

Kofi Annan - The former Secretary-General of the UN hired Craig to defend his interests in the Volcker Commission probe of the Oil-for-Food scandal, which put billions of dollars into Saddam Hussein’s pockets while providing cash for Annan’s son, his deputies, and some allege Annan himself.

Pedro Gonzalez Pinzon - A Panamanian legislator wanted for murdering an American soldier in 1992. The Dallas Morning News demanded that Obama force Craig to drop the case during the campaign, but no report of whether he did is easily available.

Now, I don't think anyone can deny that having such a defender of assassins, scandals, and Castro as White House counsel is some CHANGE you can dig your teeth into.