Monday, February 14, 2005


Remember that baby (Baby "81") in Sri Lanka that was supposedly "claimed" by eight different women? Well, apparently there was only ONE family claiming that the baby was theirs. And, now DNA tests of proved that it is, in fact, their baby. TWO MONTHS LATER.

The court ordered the DNA tests after 31-year-old barber Jeyarajah and his wife argued they could not prove he was theirs because his birth certificate and other documents were washed away by the tsunami along with their house.

The cherubic infant was put under police guard after Jeyarajah was arrested and briefly detained for trying to forcibly take him from nurses.

When a judge then ordered DNA tests, Jeyarajah nearly fainted and threatened to kill himself.

Newspaper reports have said nine women claimed the boy as their son in the aftermath of the tsunami, but police say the Jeyarajahs were the only couple to claim the baby as theirs.

So, in reality, only ONE couple was claiming the baby as their own ... and ... as it turns out, the DNA tests prove the baby is theirs. They still haven't gotten the baby back, since they need to have it "finalized" in court. Shesh, as if two months apart is not enough. Sanity would dictate that baby be DIRECTLY returned to the parents with much apologizing.

(link to Reuters story in title)