Detroit's own John Conyers is in search of the truth in regards to Ohio's "voting irregularities" during the last election. Says Conyers in a report (via this AP story "We have found numerous, serious election irregularities in the Ohio presidential election... [t]here are ample grounds for challenging the electors from the state of Ohio." Conyers wants to challenge the electoral college vote. To what end? Who knows. But some of the "irregularities" listed were long lines, and too few voting machines (in, of course, heavily Democrat districts) and blames the man in charge, J. Kenneth Blackwell (a Republican.) Hum, JOHN, who is responsible the long lines (and too few voting machines) in my democrat heavy district, in my Democrat controlled city, in a state with a Democrat Governor?
When John is done uncovering the truth from Ohio, maybe he can get to work on uncovering the truth from his own Detroit office, which sought and received 60 turkey's from Gleaners Food bank to give out to the needy. Apparently, the needy were in his OWN OFFICE. Gleaners is demanding a list of whom the turkeys were given to, but the Tuesday deadline came and went.
MMM 637
12 hours ago