Monday, October 26, 2009

Are they coming to Detroit?

UN is launching an investigation into the housing situation in U.S. cities.

Raquel Rolnik is a special "rapporteur" on the right to adequate housing.

PTL the UN is on this. We've got nothing to worry about now.

Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman reports that Raquel Rolnik, a Brazilian urban planner and the UN’s choice for the task, will be investigating issues of concern to the UN vis-à-vis the United States, including public housing, homelessness and foreclosures. As part of her fact-finding mission, she will visit New York City, Chicago, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Washington, a South Dakota Indian reservation, and Wilkes-Barre, Pa. She will then compile a report on her findings, which will be submitted to the UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council in March.

The UN Human Rights Council believes that housing is a human right, and, because housing (especially “affordable housing”) is so tough to come by in places like New York City, there is a strong likelihood that the United States Government is guilty of gross human rights violations.

You see, affordable (and adequate!) housing is a human right. Just like health care.

Apparently, though, this chick isn't coming to Detroit. I guess she's not stupid.

Has anyone informed this lady that you can BUY houses in Detroit for a couple-hundred bucks? Or that we already provide housing for those in need?