Michele answered my request for new music in a big way. She was the one who introduced QOTSA into my life, much to my children's consternation. What can I say? They have no taste.
In general, Michele's musical palate is a bit harder than mine; more punk and hair bands extreme metal. For me (ME!) punk was more about rebellion than the music. It was about dark, obnoxious clubs, where you didn't have to be able to dance, to dance. I seem to recall striding around in a circle while people slam-danced in the middle. And hair bands were was never my thing. speed metal isn't necessarily my first choice. [There, I fixed it.]
So, first up is Fu Manchu. It's not the music, it's the singer. I can't listen to him. BLATANT OVER-GENERALIZATION COMING. This is my problem with punk; they let just anyone sing. I can enjoy a song or two, but that's my limit. Unless I'm drunk and dancing (a combination that hasn't occurred in at least fifteen years), it's not my thing.
Next, Clutch. First reaction was tepid, but that's how I felt about QOTSA the first time. This song has a nice groove:
Turbonego- again, nice loud vibe. Then the singing. Perhaps I have limited vision, but I like a good singer. No, that's not it - I need a good singer. It's a deal-killer if I don't like the voice. Josh Homme is a really good singer.
Supersuckers and Hellacopters- traditional Rock and Roll. Not bad. No bad-singer infraction. Prolly great to hear live. I listen to a few Supersuckers songs, and it was kinda growing on me. Who knows where it may go.
New Bomb Turks and Rocket from the Crypt- punk rock singers. Feh.
So, I think of all the recommendations, Clutch might appeal to me the most.
Thanks Michele!
another oi!!
7 hours ago