This just in from the Dixie Chicks:
Natalie Maines isn't kidding when she sings, "I'm not ready to make nice."
In a new interview with Time magazine, posted online Sunday, the Dixie Chicks firebrand takes back the apology she extended to President Bush three years ago.
"I apologized for disrespecting the office of the President," Maines says in Time. "But I don't feel that way anymore. I don't feel he is owed any respect whatsoever."
I read the Time interview yesterday, to learn that Maines went to Berkley (go figure!) and that she dropped out of three colleges before she joined the Dixie Chicks. You mean, she wasn't a poli-sci major? Learn something new every day.
What I find endlessly humorous about this is the indignation, by stars such as Maines, when their words have consequences. Consequences, such as plummeting record sales; their current single "stalled" at #36 on the Billboard's Country chart. Entertainers are given a forum in which to spew their political ideas - they are granted freedom of speech but with a bullhorn. But, Joe Q. Pulbic's only available response to the bullhorn is to refuse to buy their product. When Maines, or Sean Penn, or Matt Damon use the celebrity they gained through artistic talent to rant politically, the public's only recourse is refuse to "purchase" their artistic output.
The most ironic thing is that when they are hit financially, many cry "censorship." Silly dip$hits, they aren't being censored; they can say whatever they want.
To their ever-dwindling audience.